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The song "Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3"[edit]

"Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3"
Promotional single by Crystal Taliefero
ReleasedSeptember 27, 2004

Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3 is a song performed by Crystal Taliefero. It was released on September 27, 2004, by Westbury Road and Roc Nation. Weston Woods produced an animated cartoon of the book in 2005, complete with music and this song composed and performed by Taliefero. This song, with a tempo of 116-120 BPM, is in E minor (in the A Dorian mode) in common time, and it has a chord progression of Em7-Am7-Gmaj9.

The song "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom"[edit]

"Chicka Chicka Boom Boom"
Promotional single by Crystal Taliefero
ReleasedJanuary 12, 2002

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a song performed by Crystal Taliefero. It was released on January 12, 2002, by Westbury Road and Roc Nation. Weston Woods Studios made its own animated musical short film adaptation, which was inspired by the original book in 1999, with this song composed and performed by Taliefero. It is composed and songwritten in a key of C# Dorian (a mode of A♭ minor (or G# minor) where C# is used as the tonic note) using major chords in common time with 104 bpm, with the chord progression of Eadd9-B (Eadd9-B-A#dim-G#m-A#dim-B-G#m-B-B/D#-C#m7-B for the pre-chorus), though the bridge modulates to A minor also using major chords, with the chord progression of Cadd9-Em7/B-Fadd9/A-C.[1]