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Throughout their career, Ejsner has amassed an impressive array of achievements, solidifying their reputation as one of the most formidable Rengar players in North America. Some of their notable accomplishments include:

- Challenger Tier Success: Ejsner has consistently reached the Challenger tier, the pinnacle of competitive League of Legends play, showcasing their exceptional skill and dedication. Notably, they achieved Challenger status with an astounding 80% win rate while playing as Rengar, demonstrating their mastery of the champion and their ability to consistently outperform opponents at the highest level.

- Rank 1 Rengar for Three Consecutive Seasons: Ejsner's dominance extends beyond mere ladder climbing, as they have held the coveted rank of number one Rengar player for three consecutive seasons. This achievement speaks volumes about their unparalleled expertise with the champion and their ability to maintain peak performance over extended periods.

- Challenger Tier in Season 14 with a 75% Win Rate: In Season 14, Ejsner once again showcased their prowess by reaching the Challenger tier with an impressive 75% win rate. This remarkable achievement further solidifies their status as a top-tier player in the League of Legends community and underscores their consistency in delivering exceptional performances season after season.

These achievements underscore Ejsner's unparalleled skill, strategic acumen, and unwavering commitment to excellence in League of Legends. Their accomplishments serve as an inspiration to aspiring players and a testament to the transformative power of dedication and passion in the world of esports.