Air commanders of World War I

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The air commanders of World War I were army or navy officers who came to command air services during the first major conflict in which air power played a significant role.

Entente Powers air commanders[edit]

British Empire[edit]

Australian Flying Corps[edit]

Royal Flying Corps[edit]

Director-General of Military Aeronautics[edit]
General Officer Commanding the RFC in France[edit]
Major-General Hugh Trenchard

Royal Naval Air Service[edit]

Heads of the RNAS[edit]

Royal Air Force[edit]

Chief of the Air Staff[edit]


Director of Military Aeronautics[edit]

Head of the Service Aéronautique[edit]


Imperial Russia[edit]



General Inspector of Engineering and Aeronautics[edit]

  • 1913-1915 - General Mihail Boteanu[4]

Commander of the RAC[edit]

Director of the Aeronautics[edit]

United States[edit]

Chief of Air Service of the American Expeditionary Force in France[edit]

Air Commander, Zone of Advance on the American Expeditionary Force in France[edit]

Central Powers air commanders[edit]


Inspector of Flying Troops[edit]

Austro-Hungarian Empire[edit]

Ottoman Empire[edit]



  1. ^ "AIR POWER REVIEW Volume 12 Number 1" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-25. Retrieved 2011-04-08.
  2. ^ Harvey. Collision of Empires: Britain in Three World Wars, 1793–1945. p. 419
  3. ^ "Giovanni B. Marieni". Retrieved 2022-03-24.
  4. ^ a b c Valeriu Avram (2013). "Din Istoria Aripilor Românești 1910-1916" (PDF). Buletinul Arhivelor Militare Române (in Romanian). No. 61/2013. pp. 2–17.
  5. ^ a b c Războiul de întregire (1916-1919) Comandanți militari români (PDF) (in Romanian). Editura Centrului Tehnic-Editorial al Armatei. 2016. ISBN 978-606-524-176-3.
  6. ^ "Galeria comandantilor". RoAF (in Romanian).
  7. ^ a b Mihail Orzeață; Valeriu Avram (2018). "Romanian Aviation in the First World War" (PDF). Romanian Military Thinking (3): 206–231.
  8. ^ "Istoric". RoAF (in Romanian).