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User:Asmym xix

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Asmym xix is a semi-human who has worked at the following places: Apple, Microsoft, Oracle and Frankenstein's lab. He was fired because of A) He had a habit of dressing up as a character from Alien vs. Preadator every day. B) He forced his co-workers to grovel at his feet. C) His work quality was described as "just one step above an apple filled with maggots" and, saving the worst for last, D) He demanded first dibs on the coffepot. Today, he lives in a New York Sewer eating food that is known to be healthy in the way Los Angeles is known to have clean air. In other words, its not. Period. His friends include the Yeti, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Wolfman, Dracula and Wilson the Volleyball, which he stole from the set of Cast Away. This is the primary reason of why Tom Hanks has a personal vendetta against him. Although he will never tell anyone about his true appearance, he'll give you a hint: if you saw him,you would call Animal Control to have him shot with a tranquilizer dart and shipped off to a South American jungle.