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New Kingdom Tombs in Saqqara
Tomb Owner Title Dynasty Pharaoh Comment
Ameneminet First chief in Memphis, general of the Lord of the Two Lands, steward in the temple of Tuthmosis III, etc. Late 18th Dynasty Horemheb Ameneminet is depicted with his wife Takha on several blocks. [Martin pg 198 (figure 121), 200] , [Martin2, pg 7-9]
Amenemone Overseer of Craftsmen, Chief Goldworker, etc. Late 18th Dynasty Tutankhamen, Aye and Horemheb Excavated by the Australian expedition, lead by B. Ockinga.
Amenhotep called Huy (Saqqara) High steward in Memphis, Chief of Works, etc. Mid 18th Dynasty Amenhotep III Son of the judge Heby and Tutuia. Amenhotep's son Ipy was also High Steward in Memphis. [Schneider, Raven: pg 102-103]

[Martin, pg 38, 200]

Amenmose Late 18th Dynasty Known from a relief depciting Amenmose and his wife Depet. (Relief is now in the Louvre).
Aperel Vizier, General of the Chariotry, and God's Father. Mid to Late 18th Dynasty Amenhotep III and Akhenaten Discovered in 1987 by the French under supervision of A. Zivie. The tomb is designated at I.1 and is located in the cliffs of the Bubasteion.
Djehuty Overseer of the Northern Foreign countries, General 18th Dynasty Tuthmosis III Several items from his tomb exists in musea, but the location of the tomb is knot known at present. [Schneider, pg 60, 61]
Horemheb Generallisimo, Fanbearer on the right of the King, Chief of the entire land, etc. Late 18th dynasty Tutankhamen and Aye Tomb was discovered in 1975. Several blocks of Horemhebs tomb can now be found in musea. [Schneider, pg 68 ],

[Schneider, Raven: pg 9, 79, 91-93], [Martin pg 35-100]

Iniuia High steward, overseer of the cattle of Amun, etc. Late 18th dynasty Tutankhamen Schneider, H.D. et al. The Tomb of Iniuia: Preliminary Report on the Saqqâra Excavations, 1993, JEA 79 (1993), 1-9.

Schneider, H.D. The Rediscovery of Iniuia, EA 3 (1993), 3-5.

Iny Overseer of goldworkers of the Lord of the Two Lands, one who knows the secrets in the house of gold, etc. Late 18th dynasty [Martin pg 200]
Ipy High steward, fanbearer on the right of the King, etc. Late 18th dynasty Akhenaten Son of Amenhotep Huy. His canopic jars are now in Leiden. [Martin pg 200]
Ipay Royal butler Late 18th dynasty Tutankhamen - Horemheb Found by the Universities of Waseda and Tokai expedition in Dashur. The tomb was probably reused under Ramses II by the royal scribe Mes.
Maia Royal nurse of Tutankhamen Late 18th dynasty Akhenaten and Tutankhamen Discovered in 1996. Buried in tomb I.20 in the cliffs of the Bubasteion. Discovered by The French Archaeological Mission of the Bubasteion, lead by A. Zivie. [Zivie pg 22, 82-119]
Maya Overseer of the Treasury, Overseer of Works, fanbearer on the right of the King Late 18th dynasty Tutankhamen - Horemheb [Schneider, Raven, 88-91], [Martin pg 147-188]
Merymery Custodian of the treasury of Memphis 18th dynasty Amenhotep III or possibly Tutankhamen - Horemheb Known from two relief slabs, 5 shabtis and an amulet (in the Museum in Leiden). [Schneider, Raven: pg 96-98], [Martin pg 200] [1]
Meryneith, also called Meryre greatest of seers of the Aten, steward of the temple of Aten, scribe of the temple of Aten in Akhet-aten (and) in Memphis, and first prophet of the temple of Neith Late 18th dynasty Akhenaten Found in 2001 [2]
Meryptah Chief Steward of the mansion (Temple) of Amenhotep III Late Eighteenth Dynasty Amenhotep III Brother of the High-priest of Ptah in Memphis Ptahmose. [Martin, pg 200]
Meryra Chancellor 18th dynasty Time of Amenhotep III also mentioned in the tomb is the chancellor Sennefer. Possibly the same individual? The tomb is designated at II.4 and is located in the cliffs of the Bubasteion (a sanctuary dedicated to Bastet). [Zivie pg 22]
Meryre Overseer of nurses of the good god [Pharaoh], etc. [Martin pg 200] 18th dynasty Time of Amenhotep III
Nehesy Chancellor 18th dynasty Time of Hatshepsut Buried in tomb I.6 in the cliffs of the Bubasteion. Discovered by The French Archaeological Mission of the Bubasteion lead by A. Zivie. Nehesy was in charge of the famous expedition to Punt somewhere around year 9 of Hatshepsut's reign. [Zivie pg 22]
Pa-atenemheb Royal Butler 18th dynasty Time of Tutankhamen and later Known from a tomb-chapel in the Museum in Leiden. The chapel is the middle one of three cult-areas from the back of the tomb. [Schneider, Raven: pg 94-95], [Martin pg 30, 36-37]
Pay Overseer of the royal apartments of the King's private apartments in the Harem of Memphis, Overseer of the Cattle of Amun, [Martin pg 200] 18th dynasty Time of Tutankhamen
Raia Overseers of the Horses, Fanbearer on the right of the King, (later) Overseer of the royal apartments of the King's private apartments in the Harem of Memphis, etc. 18-19th dynasty Time of Horemheb - Seti I [3]
Ptahemhet called Ty High-priest of Ptah 18th dynasty Time of Tutankhamen and/or Aye A block of his Saqqara tomb show members of Egyptian government including Horemheb. [Martin pg 192, 200]
Ptahemwia High Priest of Neith 18th dynasty Time of Amenhotep III? A limestone stela was discovered in Dashur by the Waseda University expedition.
Ptahemwia Royal butler and seal-bearer 18th dynasty Time of Akhenaten - Tutankhamen His tomb was discovered in Saqqara in February 2007 by the Dutch team.