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A laptop computer or notebook computer, also known as laptop or notebook for short, is a small, portable personal computer(PC). Laptops typically have a clamshell form factor with a flat panel screen(usually 280 - 430 mm in diagonal size) on the inside of the upper lid, and an alphanumeric keyboard and pointing device(such as trackpad) on the inside of the lower lid, although 2 in 1 PCs with a detachable keyboard are often marketed as laptops. Most of the computer's internal hardware is fitted inside the lower lid enclosure under the keyboard, although many laptops have a built-in webcam at the top of the screen and some modern ones even feature a touch-screen display. In most cases,k unlike tablet computers which run on mobile operating systems, laptops tend to run on desktop operating systems which have been tradittionally associated with desktop computers.[edit]


PORTABILITY is usually the first feature mentioned in any comparison of laptops versus desktop PCs. Physical portability allows a laptop to be used in many places-not only at home and office but also during commuting and flights, in coffe shops, in lecture halls and libraries,etc.[edit]

PRODUCTIVITY: Using a laptop in places where a desktop PC cannot be used can help employees and students to increase their productivity on work or school tasks, such as an office worlker reading their work e-mails during an hour-long commute by train, or a student doing there homework at the university coffe shop during a break during lectures, for examples.[edit]


Laptops are smaller than desktop PCs. This is beneficial when space is at a premium, for example in small apartments and student dorms. When not in use, a laptop can be closed and put away in a desk drawer.[edit]


Compared to desktop PCs, laptops have disadvantages in the following areas:[edit]


The majority of laptops released in 2022 are capable of common tasks such as web browsing, video playback, and office applications.[edit]


Laptops are less durable than desktops/PCs. However, the durability of laptop depends on the user if proper maintenance is done then the laptop can work longer[edit]


Battery life is limited because the capacity drops with time, eventually warranting replacement aftaer as little as 2-3years. A new battery typically stores enough energy to run the laptop for five to six hours or more, depending on usage and the battery size[edit]

