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interested in largescale neuroscience projects and neuromorphic computing also the impact of neuromorphic computing on society.

largescale neuroscience projects of interest: Blue Brain Project Allen Institute for Brain Science,BRAIN Initiative

neuromorphic related: neuromorphic computing Edge computing spiking neural network

update: spinnaker 2 chips have been fully tested and put into production, half size of the final machine is expected to be up and running on January 1 2023 also spinnaker 3 is currently in academic research and development.

source: NEURO INSPIREC COMPUTATIONAL ELEMENTS (NICE) conference day 2 video presentation TITLE: SpiNNaker 2 results: A Platform for Real-Time Bio-Inspired AI and Cognition

URL FOR SOURCE: https://flagship.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/jss/HBPm?mI=235&publicVideoID=8941