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Hi, MarsMad97 here. I singed up to Wikipedia on 12th August 2008 and this is my page. Sorry about the pictures, I'm a rubbish drawer (I'm only 13 anyway) I'm soon going to replace the GIMP Pictures with 3-D pictures made in Blender. If you have any questions email me at joseph@hurstbourne.demon.co.uk. This is a space exploration timeline in an alternate timeline.


2009: Clop 1 is sent to Mars in order to do science experiments for NASA.

Clop 1

2010: Construction of a lunar space station begins in lunar orbit.

A lunar station

2011: India sends a spacecraft called सौर भड़कना एक (Solar Flare One) to take advantage of the biggest solar flare in 100 years and beam down the energy as microwave beams.

Solar Flare One

2012: The European Space Agency's Newton lands on Europa to deploy a submarine after 4 years traveling.


2013: NASA's Sagan 1 arrives at Mars to pick landing sites for future human missions to Mars.

Sagan 1

2014: Mexico and Romania's Prunariu rover lands on the moon to do science experiments.

Prunariu rover

2015: NASA sends the first of the JINO (Jupiter Investigation Network Orbiters) network to Jupiter.


2016: Launch of the joint ESA/NASA Venus Multiprobe Exploration Orbiter.