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User:Chickadee101/Mediatization (media)/Bibliography

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You will be compiling your bibliography and creating an outline of the changes you will make in this sandbox.


Edit this section to compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Add the name and/or notes about what each source covers, then use the "Cite" button to generate the citation for that source.

  • Cody, F. (2023). The news event : popular sovereignty in the age of deep mediatization. The University of Chicago Press.
    • This book covers the mediatization of the news, of defamation, of laws, and of celebrities.
  • Comer, J. (2022). Discourses of Global Queer Mobility and the Mediatization of Equality. Taylor & Francis.
    • This book touches on the topic of mediatization in regards to the LGBTQIA+ community; an aspect that is not touched on in the current wiki article.
  • Frandsen, Kirsten. (2020). Sport and Mediatization. Routledge
    • This book is an in-depth look at sports and its shift to the digital realm.
  • Frostenson, M., & Grafström, M. (2022). Mediatisation and the construction of what is morally right and wrong in contemporary business. Media, Culture & Society, 44(3), 532-548. https://doi.org/10.1177/01634437211048369
    • This book is concerned with the topic of mediatization and morales
  • Leong, P. P. Y. (2021). Digital mediatization and the sharpening of Malaysian political contests. ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. https://doi.org/10.1355/9789814951883
    • This book speaks on the possible effects mediatization can have on politics.
  • Neubauer, T. (2023). Mediatization of the O.J. Simpson Case : From Reality Television to Filmic Adaptation. transcript Verlag.
    • This book touches on mediatization and controversy-- a subheading I believe would be a good addition to this wiki article.
  • Toni G. L. A. van der Meer, Anne C. Kroon, Piet Verhoeven & Jeroen Jonkman (2019) Mediatization and the Disproportionate Attention to Negative News, Journalism Studies, 20:6, 783-803, DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2018.1423632
    • This academic journal piece covers the topic of the mediaitization of negative news, which I believe would help strengthen the "Crime, Disaster, and Fear" section within the current version of the wiki article.


Outline of proposed changes[edit]

  • Scan the article for spelling/grammar mistakes and correct them
  • See if I can link any existing wiki articles to Mediatization (ex: there are links to wiki pages about Marshall McLuhan and Ernest Manheim but not Kent Asp in the 'Origins' section)
  • Add photos to the wiki article
  • I will ensure all of the article's current citation links are active and link back to the correct source
  • There's a content gap for controversy and mediatization that I wish to add to by using information I find in Mediatization of the O.J. Simpson Case : From Reality Television to Filmic Adaptation
  • The mediatization of morality would be an interesting topics to include under the 'Sociocultural change' section of the article. I would do this by using information found in the books Mediatisation and the construction of what is morally right and wrong in contemporary business. Media, Culture & Society and The news event : popular sovereignty in the age of deep mediatization.
  • There's a content gap for the topic of LGBTQIA+ mediatization. I hope to fix this by using information found in Discourses of Global Queer Mobility and the Mediatization of Equality.