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The Stenophylla Lobivertex, also known as the Dragon Mantis is a species of praying mantis belonging to the Acanthopidae Family. It is named the Dragon Mantis because of the way it is built, that being long and flat. The Dragon Mantis ranges in length between 1 and 1.6 inches and has a very large wingspan which is typically double its size. Dragon Mantises have four legs to help with movement and mobility and two long powerful legs or arms in the front that they use to hunt other animals. Like many other species of Mantises, the Stenophylla Lobivertex has three eyes, one is located at the top of its head and the other two are on the sides. Dragon Mantises are usually consistent in color, mostly being gray, but can sometimes be brown or green. Their wings are mostly transparent.


Dragon Mantises have a high preference for hot climates and are typically found in tropical rainforests of Central and South America. They build their homes in the canopies of trees where they rest in the morning as they are nocturnal.


Dragon Mantises use their powerful legs to catch prey which mainly consists of smaller arthropods, including: spiders, flies, moths and beetles.


After eggs are fertilized, female Dragon Mantises will lay a batch of eggs and protect it for about three months before the eggs hatch. During mating seasons, female Stenophylla Lobivertex attract partners by the use of their pheromone gland which is unique relative to other mantodea species because it has an actual structure of their body.


[1] [2]

  1. ^ Schwarz, C. J., & Glaw, F. (2021). The luring mantid: Protrusible pheromone glands in Stenophylla lobivertex (Mantodea: Acanthopidae). Journal of Orthoptera Research, 30(1), 31–33. https://www.jstor.org/stable/27085884
  2. ^ https://bantam.earth/dragon-mantis-stenophylla-lobivertex/