[Wikipedia-l] RE: performance tweak

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Wed Nov 6 10:58:46 UTC 2002

> How silly of me to suggest to someone who is clearly looking for a 
> better browsing experience a way to achieve it.

I agree with Brion here: enforcing new windows is not a good way to deal
with this issue, especially since forced new windows are very annoying for users
who use tabbed browsing (myself included). It could be a preference, but a
smarter solution would be to suppress the no-cache header (which is necessary
for a good editing experience in some browsers)  on the RecentChanges page.

If anyone wants to do this, the code is open to you and fairly easy to
understand [1]. It's probably not very high on anyone's priority list. The main
problems with RC performance are being addressed by a change that loads the
changes from an individual small table, instead of fetching them from the much
larger article table. There are many other queries that generate high load on
the DB server which need to be located and optimized. These are our real
performance bottlenecks.

And if anyone has a lot of time to waste, a client side application that
maintains a local RC table and fetches new changes (diffs) within regular
intervals would be very neat, and a nice building block for the dedicated WP editor
that some people are thinking about. We could help you by exporting our RCs
as an XML-based web service ..



[1] Feel free to contact me if you want to delve into it and I'll try to
help as much as I can. I can help more if you're using a real OS (Linux,BSD
etc.) though, as web development on Win32 is a PITA.

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