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Wikipedia:Today's second feature

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Today's second feature is a section on the Wikipedia:Main Page alternative (Classic 2006), a main page alternative that displays the style of the Main Page in February 2006, where additional areas of Wikipedia are displayed. On weekdays it highlights new articles with the Did You Know section (DYK). On weekends it shows the Picture of the Day (POTD) from Wikipedia's Featured Pictures.

This rotating section was originally implemented in July 2005 as a compromise after there were requests to add the POTD to the Main Page, combined with complaints that DYK was badly maintained at the time (see archived discussion). Today's second feature appeared on the Main Page until a new design was implemented in March 2006.

Current version of this section on the Classic 2006 Main Page:

Euchloe penia

Euchloe penia, commonly known as the eastern greenish black-tip, is a butterfly in the family Pieridae. It is found in North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, and northern Iraq. The habitat consists of dry and warm rocky areas. Adults are a bright greenish off-yellow, with a wingspan of 32 to 36 millimetres (1.3 to 1.4 inches). There are two generations per year, with adults on wing in April and from June to July. The larvae feed on plants of the genus Matthiola. This E. penia butterfly perching on a flower was photographed in Pletvar, North Macedonia.

Photograph credit: Charles J. Sharp

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