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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, this page lists the Wikipedia articles that I have set up (marked as +) or have contributed to. I have no professional involvement with any of the groups or organisations mentioned below, and I earn no money from what I say about them. Please feel at liberty to comment on anything that I have written, on either the discussion page of this article or those of the articles themselves.

Romanian history, transport, tourism (I live in the town of Cluj-Napoca in Transylvania, Romania):[edit]

Romanian contributions to engineering and aeronautics[edit]

East European folk and Roma (i.e. "Gypsy") music:[edit]

Poetry and poetic prose:[edit]


Linguistics (I work as a computational linguist):[edit]

Wikipedia Style conventions:[edit]

Where I used to live[edit]

External links[edit]

Other Information about Me[edit]

This user listens to World Music.
This user is interested in Flamenco
This user enjoys classical music.
This user enjoys Gospel Music.
This user enjoys dancing.
This user enjoys writing.