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Value Inquiry Book Series

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The Value Inquiry Book Series (VIBS) is an international scholarly program, that publishes philosophical books in all areas of value inquiry, including social and political thought, ethics, applied philosophy, aesthetics, feminism, pragmatism, personalism, religious values, medical and health values, values in education, values in science and technology, humanistic psychology, cognitive science, formal axiology, history of philosophy, post-communist thought, peace theory, law and society, and theory of culture.

The book series was founded in 1992 by Robert Ginsberg and is published by Rodopi.

Value Inquiry Book Series book cover


ISSN 0929-8436

Executive Editor[edit]

Leonidas Donskis, Member of the European Parliament, and previously Professor and Dean of Vytautas Magnus University School of Political Science and Diplomacy, Kaunas, Lithuania

Associate Editors[edit]


recently Published volumes include:

External links[edit]