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Creative Writing Competitions[edit]

Writers today have access to a variety of creative writing competitions in a variety of genres ranging from Poetry, Fiction, Translation and Creative Non Fiction. Writers can enter their written work in any desired genre so long as they follow the specific submission guidelines requested by the contest holder. Writers can check up to date writing contests on websites such as pw.org [1], writersofthefuture.com [2] and marshhawkpress.org [3]. There are writing competitions for writers of all ages and experience levels, some competitions even narrow the focus to gender and nationality. New writers of color and other nations can find contests specifically for them at websites that encourage and help new writers such as leeandlow.com [4]. Young writers enrolled in public or homeschool can also find a place to send their writing submissions. Hersheystore.org [5] hosts an annual writing contest for students in grades 5 through 8.

Fountain pen.