[Wikipedia-l] Numbered section headings within an article

tarquin tarquin at planetunreal.com
Tue Jul 16 12:41:22 UTC 2002

Try it on the Pygmalion article.

For the markup there's an established Wiki convention of doing this for 
numbered headings:

== # Heading text ===

The place in the hierarchy is determined by the number of = sane as 
ordinary headings.

== # Main ==
=== # sub 1 ===
=== # sub 2 ===

it's in use at meatball I think.
I think that's clearer and more consistent that using ! .

Fred Bauder wrote:

>At 10:13 PM 7/15/02 -0700, you wrote:
>>The "Auto-number headings" use preferences does pretty much exactly
>>this, and it doesn't require the extra notation of "!"s or anything. 
>>This has been in place since Magnus's software.
>Would someone, not necessarily Lee as he is rather busy with other things,
>please simply set out an example of this feature and what is done in
>editing to use it.
>Fred Bauder
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