[WikiEN-l] Capitalization and quotes

Tony Wilson list at redhill.net.au
Sun Apr 27 22:07:38 UTC 2003

Jaknose says: "Please, people, clean up your emails.  You don't need to
quote every preceding transaction on a topic." Amen to that.

Also: "Tannin, I have to take you to task for being rather insulting by
implication to everyone who wasn't one of your self-selected clique of
"three or four" experts." Steady on there:  we are not taking
"cliques", simply the the people who have, over the last several
months, been most active in the birds area. If you want to hop in and
do more fauna entries, then I think that would be great! You write well
and the more the merrier.There is no shortage of work to go around!

And finally: "Now, I want to be sure that this rule is being applied to
fauna, and not flora." My preference would be to apply it to species
names across the board. The plant books I have handy certainly
capitalise (and yes, I've done a few plant entries too, and plan more
as time permits). However, in the interests of a quiet life and the
spirit of cooperation, I'm happy to work with a more modest compromise.
The obvious and easy dividing line is vertebrates on the one hand,
everything else on the other.

Tony Wilson

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