[WikiEN-l] Admin status

Lee Pilich pilich at btopenworld.com
Thu Apr 24 23:40:19 UTC 2003

At 23:16 24/04/2003 +0100, Andrew wrote:
>Hi All,
>Ed Poor has just made me a sysop (thanks Ed!) and asked me to inform the list.

I certainly don't have a problem with Ams80 being made a sysop, but I 
thought that the idea behind potential sysops asking on this list for 
adminship was so that any concerns about them having sysop powers could be 
aired before they had the potential to delete all the articles about 
Hinduism (or whatever). If we're not going to do this on the list any more 
(and I'm all for not doing it on the list any more), can we have 
[[Wikipedia:Requests for adminship]] or something similar?

Perhaps such a page already exists and I've missed it - if so, could 
somebody please point me to it? If it doesn't exist yet, then I'm happy to 
make it myself if there's agreement that that would be a better way of 
doing things.

lp (camembert)
WikiKarma: [[Babson task]]

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