[WikiEN-l] Larry's text on the "Knowledge" article

Christopher Mahan chris_mahan at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 17 20:29:18 UTC 2003

--- Rotem Dan <rotem_dan at yahoo.com> wrote:

> "So let's get down to business, and ask: What is
> knowledge? How can I define the word or the concept,
> 'knowledge'?"

I define knowledge as useful information.

Knowing what some guy had for lunch last year, while technically
knowledge, does very little in the way of usefulness.

I define useful knowledge as information that allows critical
thinking and analysis, as well as information that allows the solving
of real world problems (supply chain management, solving crime,
managing market economies, etc)

Christopher Mahan
chris_mahan at yahoo.com
818.943.1850 cell

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