[Wikipedia-l] Copyright notice

Magnus Manske magnus.manske at epost.de
Mon Nov 25 20:32:38 UTC 2002

I added a small "copyright" note (en and de).


Jimmy Wales wrote:

>Should we have a link and terse copyright notice on every article in
>I don't personally see this as being required by the license (read
>carefully the parts about compilations and copyright notices, and
>think of the website as a compilation).  But even if it is not, we
>might still think this is a good idea, to emphasize to newcomers that
>this is a free (in the GNU sense) project.
>See, for example:
>Very nice looking, approaching a commercial quality level.  Yet,
>nowhere is it made clear that this text is available under the GNU
>I would recommend a notice somewhere on the page near this:
>>This page has been accessed 17682 times. The page was last modified
>>08:57 Nov 24, 2002.
>This email was inspired by Bryce's actions and complaints.
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