[Wikipedia-l] Edit conlfict screen (was: A concept from Buckminster Fuller)

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Fri Nov 22 23:09:52 UTC 2002


I've been confused by the "edit conflict" screen so many times that I seriously think the page should be redesigned. Other contributors also have frequently commented on talk pages that they lost what they just typed, due to edit conflicts.

I'd like to have the columnwise, side by side "revision of" display show up at the top of the page, where I can't possible miss it!!

Below that, I'm not sure what needs to come next, but:
* we need to make it VERY EASY for users to recover from the edit conflict
* users should NEVER feel they have to lose what they just typed

I'm not looking for a quick fix on this, but I bet dozens of users have the same issue kq and I have.

Ed Poor

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