[Wikipedia-l] Collegial respect and fellowship (was: O.k., let's ban Lir)

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Thu Nov 21 15:00:38 UTC 2002

> Jonathan Walther wrote:
> > Hearing that makes me very happy.  Lir has a lot she could contribute,
> > if she is willing to work in the spirit of collegial respect and
> > fellowship.
> Yes.  One of the great things about wikipedia is how much positive
> good people of wildly different viewpoints can do, if they commit to
> this sense of "collegial respect and fellowship".
> --Jimbo

This is why I'm grateful to Jimbo and the Wikipedia community. Even though the server owner thinks I'm a "nut" (no offense meant, I'm sure, and none taken) -- I am generally polite and scrupulous about NPOV and cooperating with my fellow contributors.

In any other forum, my pro-absolutist and pro-Unificationist views would be drowned out in a chorus of derision.

Whoever dreamed up the idea of an NPOV encyclopedia is a genius.

Ed Poor

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