[Wikipedia-l] Fucking Asshole

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Fri Nov 15 11:37:04 UTC 2002

> So what you're saying is that if somebody created an article [[goatse.cx]]
> or somesuch, with an encyclopeadic writeup, and got permission from the
> copyright owner, then that would be fine by you?

There is already a goatse.cx article, without the image. I think the
description of the image is more than enough, furthermore, posting material that can
be classified as pornography can get us into legal trouble. To pick a
somewhat less offensive example than goatse.cx, say we wanted to illustrate
articles about porn movies -- sooner or later someone is probably going to write
them. I don't think we could legally complement these articles with pornographic
screen captures, even if we wanted to.

If Jimbo wants to take the risk, however, I'm all for it.



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