[Wikipedia-l] What the front page of the wikipedia needs is a warning for children

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Thu Nov 14 09:00:47 UTC 2002

Or rather, for their parents... while sex information etc seems to have
a home in the wikipedia, parents might not be thrilled at the idea of
Junior reading up on anal penetration, cock rings, and other 'adult'
concepts. I know I wouldn't if it was my kids... some things are just
not for juvenile eyes, if only because too much information leads to
very awkward questions.

The front page should have a note on it in the introduction, saying
something like 'While the wikipedia does not condone obscenity, articles
may contain adult concepts and language unsuitable for children. Please
supervise your children's access.' or whatever... 


Karen AKA Kajikit

To err is human... to really foul things up add kitten and stir.

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