[Wikipedia-l] performance tweak

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Wed Nov 6 02:09:00 UTC 2002

Brion VIBBER wrote:
> Erik Zachte wrote:
> > This is a repost in plain readable ascii.
> >
> > I wonder how much web bandwidth and server processing power is consumed
> > by diligent wikipedians browing the list of 'recent changes', checking
> > an article and returning to the list by pressing the back button, thus
> > generating a new request to the database, over and over again.
> They should use a browser that's not so brain-dead that it can't tell
> that the forward and back buttons are for zipping through pages that are
> already open and should not be loaded all over again.

not true.

The recent changes page used to remain the same when you went back to it
unless you manually told it to reload, but now if you use the back
button to go back to a list page it reloads it from the server even if
you don't particularly want it to. If I want to save time I have to
right-click and say 'open in new window' all the time and it wastes my
time and energy. I would be VERY much in favour of that change being

And don't tell me that my browser is braindead. It didn't used to do
this. The wikipedia was changed, not netscape.


Karen AKA Kajikit

To err is human... to really foul things up add kitten and stir.

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