[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia page encoding

Jonathan Walther krooger at debian.org
Mon Dec 30 21:22:48 UTC 2002

On Tue, Dec 31, 2002 at 10:11:29AM +1300, Richard Grevers wrote:
>>It would be safer to add in a meta tag too I suppose, I'll do that...
>While you're about it, is there a concensus on the best encoding to use on general 
>pages? 8859-15 ensures no problems should people use the likes of a Euro symbol in 
>an article. Most definitions I've seen describe 8859-15 as "intended to replace 

I assumed that the encoding in the meta tag would be exactly the same as
the encoding in the http headers.  Any objection to that?  I think
switching from 8859-1 to 8859-15 is a separate issue, worth discussing.
For instance, how much software supports 8859-15?


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